Newsletter Infromation

Local Activity Information

Social Time
Thursday 12 September: Regular Meeting Heather Oliver will make a presentation on the World
Conference in Croatia and her Journey afterward.
Friday 4 October. Potluck dinner at the Avis’ home (this was originally the start of the Mexico inbound) (Please let Joan know if you will be attending—she needs numbers)
Joan Avis at
Thursday 14 November Annual General Meeting (AGM
All Evening Meetings are at Kitching, Steepe, & Ludwig Family room, Waterdown at 7.00 pm
Committee Group: If you have a suggestion let Colton and/or his committee know (Committee: Loretta Jones, Cynthia Vining)

December ? Christmas Social. Please give us your suggestions and ideas. What would you like
to do for our Christmas Social gathering? Let Colton or any executive member know your feelings.
Snacks for meetings—sign up sheet will be at the September meeting, Let Colton
know what dates you would provide a snack if you are not going to be there in September. Colton Roberts
We would like suggestions from the members of interesting social things to do as a
group (i.e museums, sanctuaries – Butterfly Conservatories, Theatres, shows, etc.)
Also if you know of a special event that members individually might enjoy let Neil Stephenson know for the newsletter. Neil Stephenson
For 2025: Please consider getting involved in the running of the club. We are going to Need a Secretary, and a Journey Coordinator (often the V.P.) Come on Board now to see what these jobs entail Executive meetings are by ZOOM and are around 1 hour long Let Pat know your interest and we’ll invite you to a ZOOM meeting.